Depending on what source you read you will find a different number Ps. Some lists have 3, others have 4, and there are some with 5 or more. Here I am giving you my list of Ps in cyber. Others in the field may have their own choices. They are all important. It is a master of what you see more on a daily basis that will shape your list of Ps.
My list is in no particular order. Just as they came out of my head.
Password - I’ve mentioned passwords in previous posts. Having strong passwords that are unique for each account and that are changed at regular intervals forms a safeguard against many attacks. The importance is passwords cannot be overstated.
Patches - As mentioned in many previous posts, patches are vital. Keeping software updated is how we keep most malware at bay. Neglecting patches is ill advised. Patches that have been issued before the vulnerabilities they correct are found can prevent hacks in advance.
Ports - Many attacks target particular port numbers. This is because some vulnerabilities are specific to the protocols that run on those ports. Ports can be left open or closed. If a port is closed then the protocols that run on it will not operate. If a port is left open when it is not needed, then it leaves the protocol available to be used by a bad actor.
Policies - These give us the guidance as to what to do. Policies let us know what activities are allowed and which activities are not. Good policies explain why it is important to follow the policies and explain the repercussion of breaking the policies.
Phishing - This method of delivering malware is the most popular and is likely to stay that way. Even with anti-phishing campaigns, phishing is still the most effective means of distributing malware.
People - It is a common phrase in cybersecurity that people are the weakest link in the cyber defense. Engaging people in the fight against cybercrime and arming them with the knowledge and tools to do so is where we need to focus. We can do this through regular cybersecurity awareness training and through discussions explaining why the awareness training is important and how it actually works to achieve our common goal.